Projector City

I will share my projector using experiences

Why Does A Projector Have Such Big Noises and Heat?

 Since projectors have been designed to produce images when exposed to the light source, many of the projectors use lamps, LED, combinations of them or even the laser. These sources of light generate heat while working build up inside the projector and could cause much damage to the projector itself. The reason for the big noises produced in a projector is as a result of fans letting in air and letting out air as well. When the heat is too much, the fan struggles to give in the air and at the same time letting out the buildup heat inside the projectors. Sometimes the fans space is small for the projector producing much noise while using it. These loud noises generated by the projectors make the watching to be irritating as the noise it is disrupting, and you may find it difficult to concentrate.


What the projector does is to release the hot air and take in cool air to keep the circulation going and avoid destruction of the projector working. Sometimes when the temperature of the room rise it becomes uncomfortable to the people in the environment and if in a classroom it may lead to the loss in concentration. When the noise is painful in the room event, the entertainment may not be significant. In offices, people will have to raise their voices while asking questions making the all experience irritating to some people.

 What makes the noise to b so loud is the cooling process of the fan. When the airflow is limited in the projector or the housing of the projector, it causes the noise to be louder than expected. Therefore look for a projector with good airflow to avoid uncomfortable entertainment at your home by making sure also the projector is not physically blocked.

When blocked, the projector exhaust the ports as the filters in the projector become clogged making the heat to be build up inside producing too much heat that causes the projector to break down if it works for too long in that condition. When the projector senses its warming up to the extent that it is not good, it turns up the speed at which it cools down and hence drawing more air from outside making lots of noise in the process.

Sometimes the projector shuts itself off if the cooling process is not working correctly to avoid breaking down. If the projector shuts itself off, you may have to wait for at least 20-45 minutes for the projector to cool down before using it again. Though this is a big issue with most projectors in the market, the manufacturers tried to look and solve this issue an come up with a projector with sufficient airflow area making the noise of the fan to be reduced or to be free of the noise completely. There are some of the projectors in the market that do not produce these noises, and you may not even notice it is a projector that they are using.